You’ll come across different pieces of advice online. But, every employer is different.
Us? We recommend sticking to a single page because we’re advocates for quality over quantity and being clear over being smart.
With our approach, users who created a resume with Rezi have had over a 60% chance of landing an interview.
As long as your career goals are related to the job you want and you’re able to communicate your value to your employers, then the length of your resume isn’t the dealbreaker. It’s whether or not you meet their expectations.
In this article, we’ll answer why two-page resumes are debatable and when it’s actually best to use one.
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Are Two-Page Resumes Acceptable?
Two-page resumes are acceptable but are typically used by veterans who have more than 8 years of professional experience.
However, the content needs to be relevant to the company and job position.
Having more things listed and written doesn’t justify having a better resume than other applicants.
The main thing your application should be doing is highlighting your skills and corporate background. If it’s information that’s not important, then it’s not worth using the extra space for this as it only takes up more time from your hiring manager.
Why One-Page Resumes Are Recommended
It’s not a smart idea if you’re aiming for two pages purely for the sake of length.
A single-page resume with relevant information is more impactful than a two-page resume with irrelevant information. You’re only giving recruiters a harder time when you’re not getting straight to the point.
But with a concise application, you convey your expertise faster and immediately show why you’re qualified for the role.
On top of this, you’re only including the things that are related to the position you’re applying for, which makes it more compelling.
Plus, they’re easier to review.
When Two-Page Resumes Are Usually Used
As mentioned earlier, they’re mostly used by job seekers who have been in the workforce for more than 8 years. These people tend to apply to higher job titles such as:
- Senior manager
- Director
- Executive
They’re also common to use with seasoned engineers and professionals across other industries. The biggest difference with these candidates is their years of working experience.
Should Your Resume Be Two Pages or More?
Overall, no.
A resume shouldn’t be more than one page, let alone two or three pages long.
The point of a minimal resume length and sticking to one page is to keep your application concise. It also respects your employer’s time as you’re directly communicating your value and getting straight to the point.
Here are 6 more things we’d like to clarify when it comes to the length of your resume.
1. Use White Space Strategically
Other factors to consider apart from what to write, is how to present yourself best on paper and how to immediately portray yourself as the ideal candidate.
When it comes to using white space strategically, what I’m referring to is the design and format of your resume. Even if you haven’t completely filled up an entire page, having a readable application that’s easy to skim can help in making an impression.
Here are a few more resume tips we suggest:
- Use bullet points
- One line sentences to maximize readability
- Leave out filler words
2. Less is More
Having clarity and being clear wins over trying to look smart.
It’s more impactful when everything included in your application is useful to your hiring manager. If it’s not necessary, then you’re better off leaving it out.
A resume with less content doesn’t mean it’s weak. In reality, it’s more compelling because the only thing the recruiter is reading is things that showcase your skills and experience. As a result, you’re more likely to keep the reader engaged as all the key points are easy to identify.
3. Fluff and Repetition
If you find yourself including fluff or repeating the same things over and over, go back to edit and proofread your resume.
Ask yourself, is what you’re talking about really helpful to your employers?
Don’t force yourself to stretch your sentences with details that have little to no relevance just so your application reaches two pages. It does more harm than good because it doesn’t show the reader much about your professional background.
4. No In Between
There’s no in between. If your resume is 1.5 pages, cut it down by either looking at your formatting options and what can be omitted.
In Rezi’s resumes, for example, the format is optimized so that it’s easy to digest and fits into a single page layout. Taking a minimalist approach and being highly contextual stands out in itself already.
5. Speak Facts and Use Results
In your resume, the only language you should be speaking is facts.
That means being objective and speaking from a factual point of view. Use results, examples, and details from previous corporate experiences to support your points.
When you make statements like this throughout your resume, it helps in cutting down the length and ensuring that you only make points that are insightful to your employers. Avoid unnecessary details that don't show much about your level of skill.
6. Cover Letters
Instead of using another page, you can send a cover letter alongside your resume.
This gives you the space you need and the opportunity to go more in-depth about your professional background. You also have more flexibility as you’re able to get more personal when talking about the following:
- Duties and responsibilities
- Company culture
- Values
- Motivations
4 Proven One-Page Resume Templates
We’ve listed below our 4 sample one-page resume formats that are designed for professionals to increase their chances of employment in the modern workforce. Each of these are ready-to-use so you can get started right away.
Standard Resume Template

This is our most popular template used by over 100,000 candidates. It resembles the standard resume format as everything is listed in reverse-chronological order and like the others on the list, they’re designed to overcome the resume scanners.
Compact Resume Template

For those of you who have multiple years of professional experience, the compact resume is designed for you to fit 20% more content into a single document.
Of all our templates, this gives you the maximum advantage to stick to a one-page resume by giving you as much space as possible. So, you can include everything you need while maintaining high readability.
Bold Resume Template

The bold resume is our latest template that features more modern and subtle elements that are optimized for the ATS. If you don’t have as much experience, you still have the opportunity to present yourself professionally by adjusting the design and making it easier to highlight key points.
Alternative Resume Template

Finally, the purpose of the alternative resume is to be printed and shown to your recruiter or hiring manager on paper.
While you’re not able to include as many details compared to the others on the list, it’s well-suited when you’re not going to come across the hiring systems and if you’re handing your application straight to the company.
Quality Over Quantity Means More In Job Applications
Regardless of your years in the workforce, one-page resumes are applicable for professionals at all levels.
The biggest takeaway from all of this?
You don’t need a two-page resume to meet all of the job requirements. One page is more than enough, and it’s easier to make an impression because it’s more concise when it comes to showcasing your skills.
More importantly, the length of your resume isn’t the decisive factor. It’s if you can match the job description and leave an impact on your hiring manager.
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